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Supported Living for Young People 16-18

Blue Tree Care Ltd has a semi-independent supported living home in Oldham for 16-18 year olds with emotional behavioural difficulties and complex needs. Our Oldham premises provides a 2 bed accommodation. Our supported housing services provides a safe place for young people to live, learn and make the transition to independent adulthood. We aim to provide support for young people who are care leavers with bespoke packages suitable to meet their needs through a structured care and support plan, which encourages each person to take control of their lives and work towards achieving their personal goals.

What You Can Expect

We support young people by encouraging them to focus on their strengths and build positive support networks to achieve their aspirations, whether that is returning to education, finding meaningful work or making new friendships.  We aim to work closely with residents, their families, carers and health professionals, to deliver quality support and housing that helps people on their pathway to independence.

What We Offer

- Level 3 qualified staff on-site 24 hours a day
- Short-term or long term supported housing, including emergency placement for high-risk young people
- Fully furnished communal lounge, kitchen, games room, computer room/study room, bathroom and garden. There is Wi-Fi in all communal areas.
- Key worker support
- Local community services support

At the end of the package we also offer move-on services to help residents find and maintain their own independent accommodation, as well as floating support or community outreach services where we provide one-to-one or group support to young people in the community (who don’t live in our properties).

Please contact our referral team on

Mob: 07505 111570

Tel: 0161 718 3548

Or complete the form below. We will then contact you to discuss and arrange to meet.  All support needs will be assessed before an application is accepted. If you'd like to view the premises or meet the team, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Thanks for submitting!

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